Let Them Be Kids

"LET THEM BE KIDS" is an all volunteer, non-profit organization created to build community capacity on the grassroots level; while building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks across Canada. These projects leave a legacy of community members who are inspired and better equipped to lay a strong foundation for a brighter tomorrow.

Barn Raising


Killam is having a huge Makeover on September 25th at Heritage Park starting at 8:00 am and going throughout the day until the makeover is complete.

The makeover consists of building a new amphitheater, a bike/skateboard park, family BBQ pit, new walkways and landscaping. There will be food, drink, and entertainment throughout the day.

Even the Kool-Aid mascot will be there so you don't want to miss the biggest party of the year!!

Everyone is welcome to join in. Come and spend the day with family and friends, meet new people, eat, drink and build the best family park in the County of Flagstaff.

Overall Park Design

Overall Park Design
Overall Park Design

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Congratulations Everyone!!

Our X-treme Makeover was a hit!!

Over 230 volunteers showed up to make September 25th a day that will go down in Killam history.

The Bike/Skateboard Park was completed on the 26th and the ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony had an excellent turn out.

The amphitheater is well on it's way to completion. The cement will be poured this week and the supports put in.

The Ace Committee would like to thank each and everyone of you for your help and support in making the dream come true!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Build Day Schedule

7:00 am Set Up
8:00 am Registrations start (continues throughout day)
9:00 am Kid's Activity Area Opens - Meet the Kool-Aid man
9:00 am Refreshments and snacks are available for volunteers
9:15 am Welcome by Mayor Bud James & Start of webcam broadcast
11:00 am Free lunch for workers - called in shifts
1:00 pm Kitchen area closes
2:30 pm Group Photo by Bike/Skateboard Park - Kid's area closes
3:00 pm Everybody welcome to opening ceremony and Bike park dedication

Enjoy the day and thank you so much for all of your support!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Requirements for Bike/Skateboard Park

We will be offloading the truck on Thursday September 23rd at 12:00. We could use a couple of strong men to assist in the unloading.

As well, we will be pre-building the supports for the skateboard components on Friday September 24th starting at 9:00 am and are looking for 6 - 8 strong men to assist in the pre-build.

We are also going to need the following tools:

1 - 4" Level
3-4 Impact guns, cordless preferrable
2-3 Cordless drills
2 - Wrench or rachet sets - 9/16", 1/2" and 3/4"
1 6-8' Ladder

If you are able to assist or bring any of the above tools please contact Kari Newby at 385-3718.

Thank you so much for your support!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Supplies to Bring to Build

Please bring whatever tools you think you may need for whatever project you wish to work on.


If you would like to do landscaping bring a shovel, work gloves, small shovel, etc.
If you would like to work on the amphitheater please bring a hammer, work gloves, drill or whatever else you think would be helpful.

Thank you again for all of your support!

Materials Required for Amphitheater

We are looking for anyone willing to donate some materials to help construct the amphitheater.

We require:

3 bundles of 3 tab shingles - color not important
3 rolls of felt paper
20 - 30 10' 2 x 4's
A box of shingle nails
30 sheets of 7/16" OSB plywood

If you are willing to donate any of the above materials please call Kari Newby at 385-3718 before Sunday September 19th. After that date we will have to order from the lumberyard.

Thank you so much for you help!!

Bike/Skateboard Dedication

I am very excited to share with you that the Killam Ace Committee is dedicating the Bike Park to our Small Town Hero - Gordie Enghoj !!

Sharon Moser and Trina Pawlick gave Gordie the news last night on his 80th birthday and he is very proud!!

There will be an article in the Community Press next week making the announcement.

The dedication ceremony will take place at 3:00 pm on Build Day in conjunction with the opening ceremonies.

Only 8 days to go and counting - It's Crunch Time!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


If you would like to donate a tree or shrub or some decorative rocks to the Heritage Park Revitalization Project please contact either Kim Borgel at the Town Office or Terilynne Block at 385-3611.

We require approximately 30 shrubs, 50 trees, and oodles of rocks.

Thank you!!

BOTTLE DRIVE - September 9th

The ACE Team will be hosting a bottle drive on September 9th starting at 5:30pm. All proceeds will be donated to the Heritage Park X-treme Makeover, which is happening on September 25, 2010.

We will be sending trucks around to farms and acreages who are within 3 kilometers of the town limits. So if your shed or old grainery is full of bottles and cans now is the time to clean them out and donate to a worthy cause at the same time.

For those of you who would like to donate their bottles, but live farther than 3 kilometers from town please take them to the Killam Bottle Depot. Please specify that they are to be donated to the Ace Committee.

Thank you so much for your support!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Keep checking back as we will soon be posting a list of items and tools required to complete our X-Treme Makeover - Killam Edition.